and learn to put it first.
Online Counseling
Online counseling also referred to as Telehealth or distance counseling is psychotherapy that occurs between a licensed counselor and a client online rather than in a physical location.
Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision is offered by a board approved supervisor with greater than five years of experience in the state of North Carolina. Supervision provides a checks and balances for work provided by Associate Level Professionals.
Groups and Classes
Group Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that involves one or more therapists working with several people at the same time. Issues and topics are usually grouped by common factors and similarities.
Who we are…..
We are passionate mental health professionals that supports individuals diagnosed with mental health, substance abuse, and/or an intellectual disability. We offer an online counseling and in person services by appointment that assist both clients and professionals through counseling and consultation.
Why choose us
We are seasoned professionals that possess a wealth of knowledge that benefits the client’s we serve and the professionals that utilize our services. We practice a holistic integrative approach that creates opportunities for healing, making transformations, and living an abundant life..
We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.
Be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships.